What To Expect
The Process is Simple
We’ll meet on a schedule that works for you. Talk through the main issues you’re experiencing in your finances. Then develop a plan to address them. We’ll have as many follow-up sessions as it takes for you to have the know-how and the confidence to move forward.
1. Book a Free Consultation
During this discovery session, you’ll get to know your coach, understand the coaching process, talk about your financial situation, and determine whether you want to move forward with coaching. This session is a complimentary, no-obligation service.
2. Begin Coaching Sessions
Here is where the real work begins. We’ll dive into your main financial issues and goals and build a plan to address them. Sessions are typically 60 minutes.
3. Schedule Follow-Up Sessions
One coaching session will rarely be enough. Each person’s situation is unique; therefore, the length of time will be different depending on your needs. We’ll meet over a period of time (typically 3-6 months) and spend as much time as needed to address the root issues, build and implement a plan, and track progress.
What you can expect from a session:
A solid plan
Defined goals
Knowledge to win with money
What you won’t get from a session:
Lack of direction